ACPF and Secretariat Accomplishment Report in the 2017 fiscal year (April 2017 to March 2018)

ACPF activities (mainly Secretariat) in the 2017 fiscal year are as follows;



2017.6/12            Mr. Kotaro OHNO (former Prosecutor General) was assigned as Councillor.

2017.6/13            The Seventh Board of Directors meeting was held.

2017.6/13            Mr. Terutoshi YAMASHITA was assigned as Director of the Board of Directors and Secretary General

(successor of Mr. Kunihiro HORIUCHI).

2017.6/28            The Fourth Councillors meeting was held.


2017.7/1              Mr. Kenji MATSUDA was assigned as Director, General Affairs Bureau (successor of Mr. Akio OMORI).

2017.7/1              ACPF Secretariat News No. 1 was issued.

2017.7/3-7/4        National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) in Thailand visited UNAFEI and developed relationships

with ACPF members.


2017.8/1              ACPF Secretariat News No. 2 was issued.

2017.8/7              The new Pamphlet of the ACPF was published.


2017.9/1              ACPF Headquarters branches (so called as functional branches) meeting was held for the first of time.

2017.9/1              ACPF Secretariat News No. 3 was issued.

2017.9/10            Fuchu UNAFEI thanks giving and farewell party (including BBQ) was held.

2017.9/12            Mr. Minoru SHIKITA, former chairperson, the ACPF, passed away.

2017.9/12-9/14    The ACPF supported the Third World Congress on Probation (3WCP)  held in Tokyo.

ACPF Saitama Branch and NPO (Future of Kenya) jointly invited a volunteer probation officer to 3WCP.

2017.9/14            Crime Prevention Practitioners Association in the Philippines and the ACPF, ACPF Nagoya Branch,

conducted their MOA signing ceremony.

2017.9/17          The funeral ceremony of Mr. Minoru SHIKITA, former chairperson, the ACPF was held.

2017.9/19            The ACPF executives exchanged opinions with seven Thai Judiciary dignitaries in the occasion of their

visit to LAWASIA conference in Tokyo.


2017.10/1            UNAFEI and ACPF Secretariat were relocated from Fuchu city in Tokyo to Akishima city in Tokyo.

2017.10 /2           The ACPF International contribution calendar was published.


2017.11/28          New ACPF website started.

2017.11/30          “Memorial service for Mr. Minoru SHIKITA, former Chairperson, the ACPF was held.

2017.11/30          The ACPF Chiba Branch decided its dissemble as of 31 March 2018.


2017.12/1            The ACF published ACPF Magazine No. 60.

2017.12/4            Ms. Tomoko AKANE (former UNAFEI Director and ACPF member) was elected as Judge of the International

Criminal Court (ICC).

2017.12/25          Mr. Hiroshi MAEDA, Councillor, the ACPF (former Prosecutor General), passed away.


2018.1/5              The ACPF started its full-fledged administration on information on its website news.

2018.1/22            The ACPF published its statistical booklet “Japan, How Safe?” (2018 edition).

2018.1/26            The ACPF, the Japan Criminal Policy Association and UNAFEI jointly conducted their public lecture on criminal policy .

2018.1/26            UNAFEI alumni meeting was held.


2018.2/8              Officers in charge, Cabinet Office, visited the ACPF (audit).

2018.2/10-2/14    ACPF members visited TIJ- Thai ACPF seminar and criminal justice organizations in Thailand.

2018.2/20            MCPF and Royal Malaysia Police (Kuala Lumpur) chief superintendent delegations made courtesy visit to the ACPF.

2018.2/22            Mr. Taichi SAKAIYA, President, gave the press conference on “Japan, How Safe?”.


2018.3/1              ACPF Branch officials in charge meeting was held.

2018.3/13            The eighth meeting of the Board of Directors was held.

2018.3/15-3/17 Dr. Tran Cong Phan, Deputy Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy of Viet Nam,

visited ACPF Sapporo Branch.

2018.3/31            The ACPF Chiba Branch was dissolved.



Needless to say, ACPF members devoted themselves to prepare the programs prior several months for the events. They had to concurrently conduct many programs this fiscal year.







2017.6/12             大野恒太郎評議員就任(元検事総長)

2017.6/13             第7回理事会

2017.6/13             山下輝年理事兼事務局長就任(堀内国宏氏の後任)

2017.6/28             第4回評議員会



2017.7/1               松田憲治総務部長就任(大森晶夫氏の後任)

2017.7/1               事務局ニュース第1号発行

2017.7/3-7/4          タイ国家汚職防止委員会(NACC)UNAFEI訪問時にACPF会員と交流



2017.8/1               事務局ニュース第2号発行

2017.8/7               新パンフレット完成



2017.9/1               「本部支部」会議開催(第1回)

2017.9/1               事務局ニュース第3号発行

2017.9/10             府中UNAFEIさよなら感謝祭(BBQなど)

2017.9/12             敷田稔前理事長逝去

2017.9/12-9/14    第3回世界保護観察会議(於東京)後援


2017.9/14             フィリピンACPF(CPPAP)とACPF名古屋支部が友好協定更新

2017.9/17             敷田稔前理事長葬儀

2017.9/19            タイ司法高官(7名)LAWASIA東京大会訪日時にACPF幹部と意見交換



2017.10/1             UNAFEIとACPF事務局が府中から昭島新庁舎に移転

2017.10 /2            ACPF国際貢献カレンダー発行



2017.11/28           ACPFの刷新HPの試験運用開始

2017.11/30           「敷田稔先生を偲ぶ会」開催

2017.11/30           千葉支部2018.3/31付けの解散決議



2017.12/1             アジア刑政通信第60号発行

2017.12/4             赤根智子氏(元UNAFEI所長・ACPF会員)が国際刑事裁判所(ICC)裁判官に当選

2017.12/25           前田宏評議員逝去(元検事総長)



2018.1/5               ACPFの刷新HP本格運用開始

2018.1/22             データで見る「安全な国 日本」2018年版発刊

2018.1/26             刑事政策公開講演会開催(UNAFEIと刑事政策研究会と共催)

2018.1/26             UNAFEI同窓会開催



2018.2/8               内閣府担当者によるACPF訪問(監査)

2018.2/10-2/14     タイセミナー&タイ刑事司法機関視察

2018.2/20             MCPF(マレーシア)とクアラルンプール警察長官一行がACPF訪問

2018.2/22             堺屋太一ACPF会長が記者会見 データで見る「安全な国 日本」関連



2018.3/1               ACPF支部実務担当者会議開催

2018.3/13             第8回理事会

2018.3/15-3/17  ベトナム最高人民検察院チャン・コン・ファン次長検事がACPF札幌支部を訪問

2018.3/31             千葉支部解散





ACPF Saitama Branch (President, Mr. Minoru Okamura ) and Saitama VPO Counseling Study Association (16 members) visited UNAFEI in Akishima city. (2018・3・26)

Saitama Branch with joint cooperation of Saitama Volunteer Probation Officers (VPO) Counseling Study Association every year conducts a seminar and a study meeting to extend knowledge of members.


Titles of the seminars for latest three years are as follows;

2015     “Bonds generated by Child Rearing” ~Infants rear parental love and bonds in the community~

Lecturer: Kazu MATSUI, former Chairperson, Education Board of Saitama Prefecture

(ACPF Magazine No. 57, page 28-29)

2016      “Zero, if not 100?” ~In order to develop self-esteem~

Lecturer: Shigeho OTSUKA, Principal Social Education Supervisor, Lifelong Learning and Cultural Assets Division, Municipalities Assistance Bureau, Education Department, Saitama Prefecture

(ACPF Magazine No. 59, page 33)

2017      “Activities of Pippi, Shelter for Children” ~Nestle close to Children~

 Lecturer: Hiroshi OKURA, Attorney at Law

(ACPF Magazine No. 60, page 32)


This visit was made by joint delegations of Saitama VPO Counseling Study Association and ACPF Saitama Branch.

The former visit was to Fuchu UNAFEI three years ago (refer to ACPF No. 57). This visit is to Akishima UNAFEI relocated in October 2017.

After they saw inside the renewed UNAFEI building, they got briefings of the UNAFEI activities.

Participants expressed “We are impressed very much with the wonderful facility” and asked questions about UNAFEI training programmes and their durations.



アジア刑政財団埼玉支部(会長岡村稔氏)及び埼玉県保護司カウンセリング研究会一行16名 が、







2015年 「子育てから生まれる絆」~幼児が親心を育て社会に絆が生まれる~


2016年 「100じゃなければ0ですか?」~自己肯定感を育むために~



2017年 「子どもシェルターピッピの活動」~子ども達に寄り添う~










The ACPF supported the UNAFEI Training Course for Vietnamese Prosecution(2018・3・22)

The UNAFEI Training Course for Vietnamese Prosecution was conducted from 12 to 23 March, 2018. Its theme was practical tasks on revised Criminal Procedure Code. 10 Vietnamese prosecutors participated in the course.

The ACPF supported its welcome reception and farewell reception as well as the attendance of two ACPF members (Aim Universe Co., Ltd.,) for the closing ceremony and the farewell reception.

Vietnamese participants revealed their comments by saying “It is wonderful that cooperative private companies become members of the ACPF which is to support UNAFEI.”


【Mr. Nguyen Quang Thanh, Chief Prosecutor, High People’s Procuracy in Hanoi, Delegation Leader, (second from right) and ACPF members】




日 程: 2018年3月12日(月)~23日(金)

テーマ: 改正ベトナム刑事訴訟法下における実務上の課題の検討

参加者: ベトナムの検察職員10名








CPPAP (ACPF’s overseas cooperative organization), Ms. Caparas visited the ACPF. (2018・3・16)

Ms. Donna Lynn Caparas, Treasurer, Crime Prevention Practitioners Association of the Philippines (CPPAP) visited ACPF Headquarters (Akishima City) 16 March, 2018.

【UNAFEI・ICD Entrance Hall. Ms. Caparas (second from right)】


The CPPAP is a renamed organization of the ACPPI (Asia Crime Prevention Philippines Incorporated), which was established in 1994 by UNAFEI alumni. (The ACPPI was sometimes mistaken as another organization which abbreviation was also ACPPI)

The CPPAP and the ACPF have cooperative relationships for more than 20 years.


<Contributions of the CPPAP>

The ACPPI and ACPF Nagoya Branch inaugurated friendship agreement in 1994.

The CPPAP has been managing for more than 20 years the Phil-Japan Halfway House (PJHH) which was constructed in 1997 through joint cooperation of the Philippine side (CPPAP, NAPOLCOM, DOJ, Correction Bureau, Parole and Probation Administration and others) and the Japan side (Nagoya West Lions Club, ACPF Nagoya Branch, ACPF Headquarters).

The signing ceremony of the MOA on the administration of the PJHH was conducted with the attendance of 40 Philippine members in Tokyo in September, 2017.

The CPPAP has close relationship with UNAFEI. The CPPAP accepted the visit of UNAFEI delegation (Director, Professor, Secretariat staff) to PJHH in Mutinlupa and explained the administration to them.


<Ms. Donna Lynn Caparas>

Ms. Caparas participated in the 112th UNAFEI international training course in 1999. During her stay in Tokyo this March, she visited ACPF Headquarters., UNAFEI and the Ministry of Justice


She met with the former UNAFEI professor in charge of the 112th UNAFEI course (now assistant Vice-Minister of Justice) and former UNAFEI professor (now Assistant to the Director, Rehabilitation Bureau) in the MOJ.

While her visit to UNAFEI in Akishima, she revealed her impression that New UNAFEI is big (because International Cooperation Department is also in the building.) and modernized (International Conference Halls, Wi-Fi). She also inspected the library (50,000books) and Philippine corner shelf, where she took a voluminous Handbook of the Criminal Procedure, and found on the opposite page of the cover letters “donation 30 June 1999 Ms. Caparas”! What a coincidence. She and others were surprised with joy and took pictures with the book.

She joined the welcome party hosted by Mr. Yamashita, Secretary General, ACPF and exchanged opinions on ACPF activities in the evening.


CPPAP(フィリピン犯罪防止実務者連盟)財務部長Ms. Donna Lynn Caparas氏が、






Crime Prevention Philippines Incorporated)が改称されたものです(ACPPIは他団体と同じ短縮





1994年  フィリピン刑政財団とACPF名古屋支部が友好協約を締結

1997年  フィリピン・日本ハーフウエイハウス開設(フィリピンで初となる更生保護会)




2017年9月 上記ハーフウエイハウスの運営に関する覚書の署名式(於東京)







<Donna Lynn Caparas氏>









はなんと「Donn Lynn Caparas寄贈1999年6月30日」の文字が!



Mr. Taichi SAKAIYA, President of the ACPF gave a press conference on its revised statistical booklet “Japan, How Safe?”(2018.02.22)

The ACPF gave a press conference on its revised statistical booklet “Japan, How Safe?”.

Date:15:00~15:55, 22 (Thurs.) Feb. 2018

Venue: Japan National Press Club

Participants:10 press reporters



Mr. Taichi SAKAIYA, President, ACPF, explained the revised edition of the statistical booklet “Japan, How Safe?” for 30 minutes. Mr. SAKAIYA answered questions of three reporters.


Explanation by President SAKAIYA

His briefing lasted 30 minutes in which he explicitly mentioned that Japan is secure, safe, punctual, clean and good will.


Questions from the press

1 Why revised edition now

To let readers know figures of safe Japan accordingly.

In 2020, Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held. We hope this booklet will be used for overseas travelers and volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

This booklet is also an informative item to invite 2025 Osaka International Exposition.


2 What are differences between the first edition and revised one?

  • All the statistics are renewed.
  • Good will supporters (Civil rights commissioners, Welfare volunteers, Child welfare volunteers) are added.
  • Corruption perception Index was displayed in magnification.


3 We would like to receive your essence and principles, if any.

I analyze that Japan headed for strength during Meiji era and before the World War II, economical wealth after the war, and secure and safe society nowadays. However, Japan is now under the strong regulations and short in enjoyment. It causes lack in element of surprise in Japan


4 Mr. SAKAIYA wrote a novel titled “Lack of Oil (inattention)”. What problem is Japan facing?

Japan had problems in shortage of oil at that time. Japan is now suffering from low birth rate. Next generation is our treasure. One of measures against low birth rate is to invite foreigners who are able and faithful, and give the Japanese nationality to those who pass the certificate examinations.


5 It is said that Bureaucrat orientated movement has turned into Political orientated one.  How do you evaluate it?

            On the contrary. Bureaucrats in the Prime Minister Office are active.


6 Then, who are in charge?

I do not know who they are. It is the system of the Bureaucracy. They are in and out every two years. Even if you try to find who and what sections are in charge, this is how I see the situation.


7 Question from an aged journalist

I am a baby boomer after the World War II. I have heard citizens in the same generation commit traffic accidents. How do you think of the measures?

I think automatic driving system will solve the problem. The problem of the system is that the Ministry which has authority on the Wireless Radio Act.


See Press Conference (Pictures)


ACPFは、データでみる「安全な国 日本」改訂版発行について記者会見をしました。

日 時:2018年2月22日(木)15:00~15:55

場 所:日本プレスセンター










1 なぜ今改訂版?





2 初版と改訂版の内容の違いは?





3 堺屋会長(節)エッセンスがあればぜひお聞きしたい。



4 堺屋氏は、以前「油断」という著書を書かれているが今のお考えは?




5 最近は、以前の官僚主導から、政治主導への動きがあると言われていますが、どのようにお考えですか?



6 では、それは誰ですか?



7 高齢者記者からの質問



