The 14th Kyoto Crime Congress was held!
Many Thanks to Our ACPF Friends and Colleagues!
~ Reports ~
【1.The 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice was successfully held at the Kyoto International Conference Center for the first time in 51 years from 7 to 12 March 2021. 】

[Main Hall of the KICC] [Executive Secretary of the UNODC,
President of the 14th Crime Congress,
Ghada Fathi WALY,]

[Minister of Justice, Yoko KAMIKAWA] [Prime Minister, Yoshihide SUGA]
【2. Creative methods using ingenuity 】
The Kyoto Crime Congress adopted a hybrid method (a blend of in-person and online participation).
More than 5,000 participants from over 150 countries and regions took part in the Crime Congress.
(↓Screen for online participation)

【3.Main agenda 】
The Kyoto Crime Congress focused on various, integrated approaches to tackle complex, international
crimes through introducing the concepts of the SDGs.

【4.Contributions of the ACPF at the Kyoto Crime Congress 】
(1)The ACPF held two ancillary meetings

The first was “Follow up to the UNAFEI International Training Courses and Seminars” held on 10 March 2021, jointly organized by UNAFEI and the ACPF.
UNAFEI alumni delivered their presentations on the contributions of the UNAFEI training courses and support by the ACPF for the UNAFEI programmes.

After the ancillary meeting, the ACPF held a Zoom meeting with a surprise appearance by the wife and daughter of founder of the ACPF, Mr. SHIKITA Minoru.
The participants, including the UNAFEI alumni, were delighted by the Zoom meeting.

The second ancillary meeting was “Social Inclusion of Criminal Justice and Social Welfare” inviting experts from the Philippines, Thailand and Japan.
They mentioned the significance of cooperation and coordination among the relevant organizations in criminal justice.
The participants and audience were able to deepen their awareness.

[Ms. Donna Caparas, [Ms. SHIRAKI Remi
Director, National Police Attorney at law,
Commission, Philippines] Japan]

[Dr. Anuwan Pongpichet, [Mr. YOSHIDA Hiroyuki
Deputy Executive Director, Director, Programme
Thailand Institute of Justice ] Management Bureau,
ACPF (Moderator) ]
(2)Virtual Exhibitions at the Kyoto Congress
The ACPF endeavored to show its presence to the criminal justice experts around the world through a virtual exhibition corner at the Kyoto Crime Congress.
◆ About our virtual exhibits at Kyoto Congress
◆ FAQ of ACPF Virtual Exhibition Site at Kyoto Crime Congress

(3)Streaming of a video piano concert on 12 March 2021
The ACPF has a permanent representative in Vienna where the UNODC is located which maintains good cooperative relations with the related organizations.
The ACPF was able to sponsor a piano concert video thanks to its representative with support and cooperation from other UN NGOs.
The video was streamed at the Kyoto International Conference Center on 12 March 2021 to great appreciation.
The pictures below show part of the video.

[Beethoven Statue] [Chopin Monument]

[Rock Garden Roanji, Kyoto] [Pianist, Natalia Rehling]

[Piano Concert Video Supporters]

[Logos of the Piano Concert Video Supporters]
~ Gratitude ~
The ACPF would like to express its sincere gratitude to all of our ACPF friends and colleagues for the success of the Kyoto Crime Congress.
At the same time, we would like to apologize to our ACPF members for their having to attend the Kyoto Crime Congress online due to the postponement of the Kyoto Crime Congress, which was initially planned to be held in April 2020, as well as for the restrictions on the number of in-person participants at the Kyoto Crime Congress held in March 2021 due to the ongoing impact of the pandemic.
The ACPF is now endeavoring to obtain information from those who attended the Kyoto Crime Congress without the need for any registration procedures and those who were unable to attend.
The ACPF intends to provide the above information to everyone shortly after we have received them.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Although there were restrictions on the number of in-person attendants of the ACPF, Mr. KITADA Mikinao, Chairperson, Mr. SHIMAOKA Seiya, Vice Chairperson, Mr. YAMASHITA Terutoshi, Vice Chairperson, and other ACPF in-person members were able to proactively participate in the Kyoto Crime Congress programmes.

During the Kyoto Crime Congress, we confirmed the significance of cooperation among all the governments, companies and citizens through sharing a common awareness of crime prevention and criminal justice matters.
The ACPF is a UN NGO established by Mr. SHIKITA Minoru in 1982. Thanks to his excellent insights, the ACPF has been continuously conducting its activities with a focus on the SDGs.
This is why the ACPF is now a UN NGO with a General Consultative Status. At the Kyoto Crime Congress, Dr. Matti Joutsen (former Director of HEUNI, the UNAFEI equivalent in Europe), as chair of the workshops of the Kyoto Crime Congress, mentioned that he would like to dedicate his report to Mr. SHIKITA Minoru; a comment that left a deep impression and clearly moved the audience.
Now, the ACPF would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to all our ACPF friends and colleagues who contributed to the ACPF in so many ways and for their support for the success of the Kyoto Crime Congress.
The ACPF will continue to dedicate itself to coordination with the ACPF members who favor our slogan of “prosperity without crime”.
We would be extremely grateful if you would kindly continue supporting our activities.