
About our virtual exhibits at Kyoto Congress


We participate in virtual exhibits at Kyoto Congress.

Schedule: March 7 (Sun) to 12 (Fri)

In this page, We introduce it about display contents.



【Front Screen】


We release the simple explanation video about us.


【About Us】

Prosperity without crime! This is the slogan of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF).

In reality, it would be difficult to have a society free of crime, but we should aim for this goal in our actions.

Yet how do we do this? By contributing locally and internationally through the international cooperation activities

of the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.


【What is the ACPF?】

 It leads to the page of ” What is the ACPF”  in this website.


【Branches in Japan】

The page  introduces about our  12 branches in Japan.


【Overseas Cooperating organizations】

The page introduces about our overseas cooperative organizations.


【Member Introduction】

The page introduces about our corporate members.


【ACPF Mail Magazine】

The page introduces about ACPF Magazines.



It leads to this web site (in Japanese) .


【Shikita Memorial Movie】

It leads to Mr. Shikita Minoru memorial movie.


【Chat Room】

You can  chat in that page.