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To our readers,
The COVID-19 pandemic is precipitating huge changes in the behavior of both society at large and individuals. The same applies to the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation (ACPF).
The ACPF has refrained from engaging in international interactions through conferences, meetings and seminars in order to avoid the spread of infection of COVID-19. Instead of real-life interactions, the ACPF has started a new initiative providing a variety of information through emails compiled into what we call the “ACPF Mail Magazine”.
As you may know, there is an Indonesian saying “Jauh di mata, dekat di hati”, which means “Our hearts are close even if we are far away from one other.” (A literal translation is, “Out of sight but close in heart”.) Many Indonesians also sing a Japanese song “Kokoro no Tomo” surprisingly in Japanese, meaning “A Soul Mate” which is very similar to this saying. The concept of the saying is the ideal we aspire to, but the ACPF would also like to keep in touch with you through this Mail Magazine.
For your reference, reprinting or copying of the contents of this Mail Magazine does not require ACPF’s consent as long as the source is clearly stated.
【1.Prefatory Note 】
Prosperity without Crime and COVID-19!!

The Chairperson Mr. KITADA Mikinao has written this Prefatory Note to commemorate the first issue of the ACPF Mail Magazine.
→Prefatory Note by Chairperson Mr. KITADA
【2.ACPF Live & Library 】

This section provides information on ACPF activities such as on the contents of past events and forums. This issue introduces the first ACPF Forum entitled, “Is Japanese Criminal Justice Still in the Middle Ages?!” presented by Mr. YAMASHITA Terutoshi, Vice-Chairperson and Secretary General of the ACPF, which was held on June 4, 2019.
As you may be aware, the Japanese prosecution faced a great deal of criticism after Mr. Carlos Ghosn was arrested, detained and prosecuted. In response to these critics, this presentation explained the criminal justice system of Japan by comparing it with the legal systems and practices of various countries using relevant statistics.

→“Is the Japanese Criminal Justice System Still in the Middle Ages?!”(Secretary General Mr. YAMASHITA)
【3.Legal Updates 】
This section introduces recent legal information which is available to the public or for which permission was given by the organization concerned such as ShojiHomu (Commercial Law Center, Inc. Zaitaku Shojihomu referred to below has a special link giving a variety of useful information such as on the COVID-19 pandemic).
(1) The changing practices of the General Meeting of Shareholders and disclosure of company information due to the COVID-19 pandemic
①General Meeting of Shareholders
・The record date of shareholders with voting rights does not necessarily have to be at the end of the company’s fiscal year.
・The annual meeting of shareholders for companies whose fiscal year ended in March may be held in July, or alternatively, separately held on two occasions.
・The general meeting of shareholders cannot be held virtually by way of merely being held online but may be a real meeting with some attendance online.
・Measures such as restrictions on entering the venue and shortening the time of the general meeting may be adopted to reduce the possibility of being infected with COVID-19.
→MOJ Information on General Meetings of Shareholders
(NOTE: Only the Japanese version is available on the URL link.)
②Annual Securities Report and Timely Disclosure
・Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for submitting the Annual Securities Report has been postponed until the end of September.
・Timely disclosure may also be postponed but any impact on business must be disclosed as soon as possible.
→ Postponement of submitting the Annual Securities Report permitted by the Financial Service Agency
→ Tokyo Stock Exchange related
See the information in its entirety or details on the URL link→ Zaitaku shojihomu
(NOTE: English version is available in some sections on both URL links.)
(2)Other relevant information from the MOJ and National Police Agency
・Ministry of Justice → MOJ Information
・National Police Agency → NPA Information
・Prime Minister’s Office → PMO Information
(NOTE: English version is available in some sections on the URL link.)
【4.From the Secretariat and/or Branches 】
This part provides information on the ACPF branches in Japan and/or cooperating organizations in other countries. This first issue provides general information about the ACPF Headquarters.
(1)Messages from the ACPF Headquarters Secretariat

The secretariat is composed of the Secretary General, General Affairs Bureau, Accounting Bureau and Programme Management Bureau.
Here are the staff members’ self-introductions rendering them more visible to our readers →Messages
(2)What is the ACPF?

For Details →ACPF Website
The ACPF was founded in 1982. The first honorary president was DOKO Toshio, former Chairperson of the Japan Business Federation. The current President is HIWATARI Toshiaki, former Prosecutor General of Japan. The current Chairperson is KITADA Mikinao, former Superintending Prosecutor. The ACPF provides support for the activities of the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI) and helps to enhance international cooperation. Internationally, the ACPF was recognized as a “United Nations NGO” with Consultative Status to the UN, and was later raised to the highest level of General Consultative Status in 2000. The ACPF has 12 branches in Japan and 17 cooperating organizations in other countries.
(3)The Three Pillars of the Activities
a) Supporting UNAFEI’s training courses and seminars
b) Holding lectures and seminars
c) Implementing activities to learn about the reality of the criminal justice system in Japan and other countries
*The ACPF made a lot of preparations for the 14th Congress of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (Crime Congress) which was due to be held in Kyoto in April 2020. However, the Crime Congress was postponed. A new date has not yet been decided.
(4)Organization and Executive Members
The Council is composed of eminent experts, mainly former executives of the Ministry of Justice, Prosecutors Offices and the Police. The Board of Directors is responsible for making basic policies and performing duties. None of the members receive are paid for their services meaning they are volunteers. The ACPF conducts activities with the slogan “Prosperity without Crime” with 12 branches in Japan and 17 cooperating organizations in other countries.

【5. Column & Editorial Note 】

Column No.1: A point whether a rule works
The Japanese Government addressed the COVID-19 pandemic by way of merely requesting citizens to practice self-restraint and to refrain from engaging in economic activities and other activities.
This contrasts with the approach taken by other countries which adopted cohesive measures with sanctions. Japanese citizens tend to follow the recommendations of the authorities・・・continued
Your comments on anything such as contents, volume, form, etc. are greatly welcome.
Please send your opinions to info@acpf.org