The ACPF gave a press conference on its revised statistical booklet “Japan, How Safe?”.
Date:15:00~15:55, 22 (Thurs.) Feb. 2018
Venue: Japan National Press Club
Participants:10 press reporters
Mr. Taichi SAKAIYA, President, ACPF, explained the revised edition of the statistical booklet “Japan, How Safe?” for 30 minutes. Mr. SAKAIYA answered questions of three reporters.
Explanation by President SAKAIYA
His briefing lasted 30 minutes in which he explicitly mentioned that Japan is secure, safe, punctual, clean and good will.
Questions from the press
1 Why revised edition now?
To let readers know figures of safe Japan accordingly.
In 2020, Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held. We hope this booklet will be used for overseas travelers and volunteers for the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
This booklet is also an informative item to invite 2025 Osaka International Exposition.
2 What are differences between the first edition and revised one?
- All the statistics are renewed.
- Good will supporters (Civil rights commissioners, Welfare volunteers, Child welfare volunteers) are added.
- Corruption perception Index was displayed in magnification.
3 We would like to receive your essence and principles, if any.
I analyze that Japan headed for strength during Meiji era and before the World War II, economical wealth after the war, and secure and safe society nowadays. However, Japan is now under the strong regulations and short in enjoyment. It causes lack in element of surprise in Japan
4 Mr. SAKAIYA wrote a novel titled “Lack of Oil (inattention)”. What problem is Japan facing?
Japan had problems in shortage of oil at that time. Japan is now suffering from low birth rate. Next generation is our treasure. One of measures against low birth rate is to invite foreigners who are able and faithful, and give the Japanese nationality to those who pass the certificate examinations.
5 It is said that Bureaucrat orientated movement has turned into Political orientated one. How do you evaluate it?
On the contrary. Bureaucrats in the Prime Minister Office are active.
6 Then, who are in charge?
I do not know who they are. It is the system of the Bureaucracy. They are in and out every two years. Even if you try to find who and what sections are in charge, this is how I see the situation.
7 Question from an aged journalist
I am a baby boomer after the World War II. I have heard citizens in the same generation commit traffic accidents. How do you think of the measures?
I think automatic driving system will solve the problem. The problem of the system is that the Ministry which has authority on the Wireless Radio Act.
→See Press Conference (Pictures)