
ACPF Saitama Branch (President, Mr. Minoru Okamura ) and Saitama VPO Counseling Study Association (16 members) visited UNAFEI in Akishima city. (2018・3・26)

Saitama Branch with joint cooperation of Saitama Volunteer Probation Officers (VPO) Counseling Study Association every year conducts a seminar and a study meeting to extend knowledge of members.


Titles of the seminars for latest three years are as follows;

2015     “Bonds generated by Child Rearing” ~Infants rear parental love and bonds in the community~

Lecturer: Kazu MATSUI, former Chairperson, Education Board of Saitama Prefecture

(ACPF Magazine No. 57, page 28-29)

2016      “Zero, if not 100?” ~In order to develop self-esteem~

Lecturer: Shigeho OTSUKA, Principal Social Education Supervisor, Lifelong Learning and Cultural Assets Division, Municipalities Assistance Bureau, Education Department, Saitama Prefecture

(ACPF Magazine No. 59, page 33)

2017      “Activities of Pippi, Shelter for Children” ~Nestle close to Children~

 Lecturer: Hiroshi OKURA, Attorney at Law

(ACPF Magazine No. 60, page 32)


This visit was made by joint delegations of Saitama VPO Counseling Study Association and ACPF Saitama Branch.

The former visit was to Fuchu UNAFEI three years ago (refer to ACPF No. 57). This visit is to Akishima UNAFEI relocated in October 2017.

After they saw inside the renewed UNAFEI building, they got briefings of the UNAFEI activities.

Participants expressed “We are impressed very much with the wonderful facility” and asked questions about UNAFEI training programmes and their durations.